Add a license

Step-by-step instructions on how to add a license.

  • From the More tab, tap Licenses .
  • On the top right, tap Options .
  • Tap + New
    • If you have no licenses, there will be a + New License button for you.
  • Enter the information for your license, including:
    • State
    • License #
    • Fee
    • Title
    • Licensee
      • This will typically just be your own name, but if you work with a team you will put whichever team member was issued the license.
    • Dates
    • Home State
    • Reciprocal
    • Any notes you want to add
  • Tap Done.

Your newly-entered information will be displayed on the next screen.

To go back to your list of licenses, tap < Back.

Updated on December 22, 2023
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