Add an adjuster to a carrier

Step-by-step instructions on how to add an adjuster to a carrier.

  1. From the More tab, tap Carriers .
  2. Select the carrier you would like to add an adjuster to.
  3. From here, you will have two different ways to add an adjuster:
    • (1) Editing the carrier
      • On the top right, tap Options .
      • Tap Edit.
      • Tap + add adjuster.
      • Enter the information for the adjuster.
      • Tap Done to save the adjuster.
      • Tap Done to finish editing the carrier.
      • Tap < Back to return to your list of carriers.
    • (2) Using the Adjusters tab
      • Select the Adjusters tab at the bottom of the screen.
      • If you do not currently have any adjusters assigned to this carrier, you will tap the +New Adjuster button. If you do currently have adjusters assigned to this carrier, you will tap + at the top right of the screen.
      • Next, you will enter the information for the adjuster.
      • Once complete, tap Done.
      • Your newly added adjuster information will be displayed on the screen.
      • Tap < Back to return to the list of adjusters.
      • Tap < Back to return to the list of carriers.

Note: Adjusters are ordered alphabetically in the list.

Viewing claims by adjuster #

If you want to view all the claims a certain adjuster has, Adjuster Pilot makes it simple.

  1. First, navigate to the More tab and select Carriers .
  2. Select the Carrier that the adjuster is assigned to.
  3. From the Carrier’s view screen, tap Adjusters.
  4. Select the adjuster you’d like to view.
  5. Once you’ve reached the adjuster’s screen, tap Claims at the bottom.
  6. A list of claims will be displayed for that adjuster.
    • By default, only open claims and claims with open supplements will be displayed.
    • Tap Clear Filter to display all claims.
Updated on December 26, 2023
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