Delete a company

Step-by-step instructions on how to delete a company.

  1. From the More tab, tap Contractors .
  2. Select the company you wish to remove.
    • Please verify that you’d like to delete this company.
  3. On the top right, tap Options .
  4. Tap Delete.
  5. Type “Delete” to confirm (not case-sensitive).
  6. Once you select OK, this company will be removed from Adjuster Pilot.
    • Deleting a company will also delete all associated contractors.
    • These contractors will be removed from any claims they had been assigned to.

You will be returned to your list of contractors.

Note: Deletions are permanent. You will not be able to retrieve information once deleted, so make sure you want to remove the company before proceeding.

Updated on December 26, 2023
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