Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding Adjuster Pilot.

Do I need any other software to run? 

Yes, Adjuster Pilot has been developed with the FileMaker platform.  To access the database you will need to download the FileMaker Go app from the app store.  Once downloaded, simply follow the link below to begin using Adjuster Pilot:

We also have a dedicated help doc that provides more detail. Click the button below to learn more!

How do I upload photos into Adjuster Pilot?

Photos can be very helpful throughout the claims process. Within each claim, you will see a dedicated Photos tab where you can upload photos. You can upload photos a couple of different ways:

  1. Paste: If you have a photo copied on your phone, simply hit “Tap to add” and choose Paste.
  2. Photo Library: Select Photo Library to choose a photo from your phone’s library.
    • NOTE: You will need to allow access to your Photos in order to use them. To do this: Go to Settings > Filemaker Go > Photos > Select either Limited Access or Full Access.

How do I edit my name in Adjuster Pilot?

You can edit your name in the Preferences section of the app. From the home screen, you will select More More and then Preferences Preferences.

What should I do if I forget my password?

If you happen to forget your password, simply tap the Forgot Password? button located on the login screen. Once selected, you’ll be taken to a screen with a Email Password Reset Code button. Once you have the code from the email, go back to adjuster pilot, enter the code, and create a new password.

Can I add a negative item to an invoice?

Yes, if you need to you can add negative line items on invoices. Whether you need to adjust an invoice or apply a credit memo, adding negative items to an invoice is easy. To do this, simply add a negative sign ( “-” ) in front of the number when entering the price for the line item.

How do I request a feature?

Features can be requested through our convenient help request system.  This can be accessed by tapping Options options menu icon (located on most pages at the top right) and then selecting Help.  For a feature request you can choose Suggestion for the ticket type.  Of course not all features can be implemented into Adjuster Pilot, but our team will put our best effort into accommodating your request. We would love to hear your ideas on how to make Adjuster Pilot even better!

How do I revise starting/ending point in routing my claims?

Your starting and ending point addresses can be edited in the Preferences section.  This is located within the More tab.

How do I choose which map service to use?

This setting can be changed in the Preferences section. Adjuster Pilot is configured to allow you to use either Google, Waze, or Apple map services.

How do I view claims on a map with pinpoints?

While viewing a list of claims, you can view a map of selected claims by tapping Options options menu icon at the top right and selecting Route. From here you will select the claims you wish to see and then hit the Route Selected Claims button. The last step is hitting the Overview button to view a map of your selected claims.

How do I view a photo of the property?

When viewing a claim, you can see information about the location in the Property tab. Once here, you can click the Google Earth button and you will be redirected to Google Earth.

  • What if I can’t see a photo of the property in street view?
    • It is possible for property owners to blur out images of their property.

How do I confirm an address through USPS?

Adjuster Pilot will automatically bring up a Validate Address with USPS button once you have typed in a full address:

validate address

How can I look up the tax rate for the address of a claim?

While viewing the Property tab for the claim, there is a convenient Tax Rate button that directs you to a webpage displaying the tax rate via a google search.

How do I import claims? 

This can be done from the Claims section with any Excel, CSV, or Tab-separated file.  Simply click the three dots at the top right and choose Import from Excel.  First you will upload your file and then you will map where you want each data field to go in Adjuster Pilot.  Take note that you can choose to save your mapping – this is very useful if your claims come to you via consistent layouts!

How do I handle extensions with phone numbers?

Saving extensions to a contact’s phone number is as simple as adding a comma at the end of the number followed by the extension. For example, if the phone number is 715-867-5309 with an extension of 2, you would save the number as:

715-867-5309 , 2

Updated on March 6, 2024
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