Help Tips

Using a new app can certainly be a learning experience. Adjuster Pilot has a series of help tips to help you along the way. The majority of sections that you will be using throughout the claims process will have a help pop-up that contains tips and advice. By default, these pop-ups will show up immediately upon entering the section. For example, the first time you begin to add a new firm you will see this pop-up:

help tips new firm

You can disable this pop-up from showing up the next time you want to add a new firm by simply checking the Hide tips next time box. Take note that each section will allow you the option of enabling or disabling its respective help pop-up. If a help tip is not active you will always have the ability to open it by tapping the blue question mark icon, shown here:

help tip icon

Closing a pop-up is quick and easy with the Close button located at the bottom right of each pop-up!

Updated on March 6, 2024
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