Home Screen 101

This is a guide on Adjuster Pilot’s home screen. The home screen is where you will begin your work every time you open the app, so let’s get to know it a little better! Home Screen

Claim Categories #

Home Screen 101

Use this list of categories to quickly navigate to the specific claims you need to work on. Here is a brief review of what each category means:

  • Received: Claim has been received but insured hasn’t been contacted
  • Contacted: Insured has been contacted but inspection hasn’t been scheduled
  • Scheduled: Inspection appointment has been set up with the insured
  • Inspected: Inspection was completed and has been marked as inspected
  • Ready to Report: Claim that was previously on hold is now ready to complete
  • Submitted: Claim has been submitted to the firm
  • Total Open: All Open claims and supplements — includes submitted claims until they are closed
  • Closed: Claims that have been submitted to and approved by the firm
  • Favorites: You can favorite unique claims for quick and easy access

4 Quick Access Buttons #

Home buttons

Here is a brief review of what each button does:

  • On Hold: Claim is awaiting action from somebody else
  • Supplements: Claim has been reopened for additional handling
  • To Inspect: Includes claims which have statuses of Received, Contacted, Scheduled, and Needs Re-inspect
  • New Claim: Quick access to start inputting a new claim

Home Search

Use the search bar to search for claims by virtually any criteria, including:

  • Name of insured
  • Address
  • Claim #
  • Firm File #
  • Firm
  • Carrier
  • Loss Type
  • Name of desk adjuster
  • You can even search by notes!

Options #

options menu icon

Found at the top right of the Home screen, the Options menu gives you a couple of quick operations:

  • New Claim: Quick access to start inputting a new claim
  • Announcements: Info about new updates, changes, and anything else you may need to know
  • Help: Access to our help documentation and support ticket entry
  • Log Out: Log out of Adjuster Pilot

Quick Help #

We’ve implemented a quick help button on the home page to give you a few quick tips. Most of the tips are also included on this page, so look for the ? icon any time you need help!

Updated on March 6, 2024
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