Viewing a claim

Here, we will walk you through viewing a claim. We will be describing each section, its functionalities, and any tips & tricks that can help fast-track your success with Adjuster Pilot!

Top section while viewing a claim #

This section is located at the the top of your screen. You can access vital details, interact with the insured, and navigate to the next (or previous) claim.

Name/Company: The primary insured’s name will be displayed. If a company is entered, the company name will be displayed here instead.

Status: This is the current status of your claim and will update as you move through the claims process. Claims will be in one of these statuses:

  • Received
  • Contacted
  • Needs Re-Inspect
  • Scheduled
  • Inspected
  • Ready to Report
  • On Hold
  • Submitted
  • Closed
  • Paid
  • Canceled

Favorite: Favoriting a claim will place it in the Favorites category of your home screen, among other beneficial features:

  • Quick access to claims that you frequently view
  • Time and expense claims
  • Can be used as a reminder to do a GLR
  • = Favorited
  • = Not a favorite

Toggle Claims: Tap the and arrows next to the insured’s name to navigate through claims.

  • Note: If you have searched or filtered your claims, you will navigate between the current set of claims.

Address: The loss address is displayed underneath the insured’s name.

  • Tip: Tap the address to copy it

Message: Allows you to message the insured.

Call: Allows you to call the insured.

Mail: Allows you to email the insured.

GPS: Route your current location to the loss address

  • Note: The map service will be the one you selected in your preferences.

Insured: This section shows all the contact information for the insured.

  • Name
  • Company (if applicable)
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • TIP: Tap a phone number or email address to copy it!

Options : This will bring up the options menu and gives you access to a few important functions:

  • Edit
  • New Activity
  • Status Change
  • Print
  • Print Itel
  • Delete
  • Help


While viewing a claim, you will notice a navigation bar located at the bottom of the screen. We will describe what each of these tabs does for you in the next 8 sections.

Dates #

This tab gives you a quick glance of all the important dates for your claim.

Loss: The date the loss occurred.

Received: The date you receive the claim from the firm.

Due: The date your claim is due.

1st Contact: The date you first contacted, or attempted to contact, the insured or primary contact.

1st Inspect: The date you completed the first inspection.

  • If you’ve completed more than one inspection, this will reflect the first inspection’s date

Submitted: The date you submitted your report to the firm.

Closed: The date the claim was closed.

  • In general, this is the date that the firm approved your submission.

Paid: The date you finalized a payment and applied it to an invoice.

  • If you have had multiple invoices with payments, this will reflect the most recent finalized payment date.

Cycle Time: The total number of days your claim took to complete from start to finish.

  • Note: This date will appear after you’ve submitted your claim. It’s not affected by opening a supplement.

Loss Info #

This tab gives you specific information regarding the claim, including:

  • Firm and Firm File #
  • Carrier and Claim #
  • Desk Adjuster
  • Loss Type
  • Whether or not there was interior damage
  • Notes


  • Tap the Firm File # or Claim # to copy it.
  • Tap info info icon next to the Desk Adjuster’s name for quick access to their contact card.

Property #

This sections contains all the information you need regarding the property, including:

  • Pitch
  • Steepness
  • Ladder Requirement
  • Geographical Group
  • Building Count
  • Whether or not there is interior damage
  • Building Notes

You also have quick access to a few useful functions:

  • Google Earth: Use this to search for main & overview photos of the dwelling.
  • Google Search: You can use this to search for photos, look for the history of the dwelling, or any other type of additional information.
  • GPS: Find out how long it will take to get from your location to the loss address.
  • Tax Rate: Quickly search the rate for contents, other programs, etc.

Photos #

This tab lets you view photos of the property and access CompanyCam features.

Main: This is typically used as the “front view” photo.

  • Tip: This is helpful for determining the pitch and ladder requirements.

Overview: Use this for a “bird’s-eye view” of the dwelling or property.

CompanyCam: This tab is where you can create a CompanyCam project or link this claim to a current project.

Navigate between each section by tapping on the label towards the top of your screen:

Contacts #

The Contacts tab is reserved for the desk adjuster and any contractors associated with the claim. Here, you have the option to view, add, edit, and remove contacts.

Adjuster #

If an adjuster is already assigned:

  • You will see the desk adjuster’s name and firm.
  • Tap info info icon to view the desk adjuster’s contact card.

If there is no adjuster assigned:

  • Tap + add adjuster.
  • Select an existing desk adjuster or tap + New to add a new adjuster to your account.

Contractor #

If a contractor is already assigned:

  • You will see the contractor’s name, company, and trade.
  • Tap info info icon to view the contractor’s contact card.

If there is no contractor assigned:

  • Tap + add contractor.
  • Select an existing contractor or tap + New to add a new contractor to your account.
  • Once you’ve selected a contractor, you can indicate their trade by clicking the gray area just above their name.

Supplements #

This tab serves as your hub for managing and reviewing a list of supplements related to your claims. Supplements can be a tricky aspect of claims reporting so we made it as easy as possible to track them. From the Supplements tab you can:

  • Add a new Supplement with the + button.
  • Sort your list of supplements.
  • View and edit any existing supplements.

Each supplement has a few dates associated with it:

  • Open: When the supplement was opened
  • Submitted: When the supplement was submitted
  • Closed: When the supplement was successfully closed
  • Paid: When the supplement has been paid and finalized


  • A red circle will appear on the Supplements tab when you have an open supplement for this claim. It will turn blue as soon as the supplement has been submitted.
  • If you have a supplement open, this claim will be available in the Supplements tab on your Home Screen

To learn more information about supplements, follow this link…

Invoicing #

This is the home for your claim’s invoices. You can do virtually anything you need to do regarding invoices here:

  • Create a new invoice with the + button.
  • View and edit existing invoices by selecting them.
  • Print a list of invoices.
  • Delete invoices through Options .

Invoices are classified with one of these statuses:

  • Outstanding: The invoice has a balance without a payment.
  • Partial Paid: The invoice has a balance and a payment.
  • Paid: The invoice has been paid in full.

Note: A red notification button will appear on the invoicing tab when you have an open invoice for this claim. It will turn blue as soon as the invoice has been paid.

To learn more information about invoices, follow this link…

Activity #

The Activity log shows important events that occurred throughout the claims process. You will see your most recent activity at the top, keeping you up to date. From this tab you have the ability to:

  • Add a new activity to your activity log with the + button.
  • View and edit existing activities.
  • Print a list of activities.

The activities you can expect to see listed in the log are:

Dates: The dates of importance (found in Dates tab as well)

Appointments: Displays the date, time, status (upcoming, canceled, etc.), who you are meeting, and the location you’re meeting

Inspections: Displays the location you inspected with the date and time

Billable Time: This is used to track the hours you worked on a claim when the payment is based on time and expense. The date and duration are displayed.

  • Note: If you have a start time with no end time, you will see the word “Incomplete” instead of a duration. This is a friendly reminder to enter an end time and in-turn have accurate reporting.

Communication: Displays who you called, the date and time you called them, and whether or not you left a voicemail

Supplements: Displays the date and status of the supplement

Notes: Any additional notes that you have logged as an activity

Status Changes: Adjuster Pilot automatically logs an activity for you when the status of the claim changes. Can change to and from these statuses:

  • On Hold
  • Needs Re-Inspect
  • Ready to Report
  • Canceled
Updated on December 22, 2023
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