What are billable items?

Billable items are commonly billed invoice items. The Billable Items section of Adjuster Pilot, which is located in the More tab, is used to manage all of these common items. The purpose of this section is to streamline the invoice creation process for you in the future.

  • Billable Items are priced at the amount that you, as an adjuster, will be receiving for the item.
    • It is not the amount that the firm is charging the carrier.
  • This section will help keep track of your accounts receivable and ease the strain of end-of-year reporting.
  • Some examples of commonly used items would be:
    • Mileage
    • Service Fees
    • Reimbursements
    • Ladder Assessment Fees
    • Re-inspections
    • Anything specific to your adjusting!
Updated on December 26, 2023
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